The cluster analysis of young fitness customers in Pathum Thani

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Katawoot Jeambua


This research has two objectives which are to study youth fitness customer’s exercise behaviors, and to categorize and identify the work-out characteristics of the youth. This research employ quantitative research methods by survey research. The 340 questionnaires were distributed at the respond rate of 85 percent. The descriptive which are percentage, mean, and standard deviation, as well as the inferential statistics were shown. Also, the factor analysis and cluster analysis, K-Means Clustering were utilized at the end of this paper.

The result shows that the most among sample are female at the average age of 20 as well as at the bachelor degree level. The exercise behavior mostly relates to being healthy at the means of 4.20 and .871 standard deviations. Additionally, there are 6 factors influence youth exercise. Lastly, the groups can be categorized into 6 groups namely “Clear-cut goal and impressive image”, “Self-influence with friends” “Brand and socialize are my type”, “I need some friends”, “I love the gym, you do not need to force me”, “High-end are us, we love exercise”. The further studies suggest that to explore the marketing strategies in the specific groups or even niched market, marketing planning, stress, social pressure factors as well as using statistical techniques to explain the relationship and differences among groups of study.

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บทความวิจัย (research article)


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