Exploratory Factor Analysis of Survey Components for Information Technology Competency of Bangkok Thonburi University Students

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Sophat Sopapimuk


The purpose of this research was to study the exploratory factor analysis of information technology competency of Bangkok Thonburi University students. The sample of this study was 360 students in Bangkok Thonburi University who used to studied Information Technology subject by Purposive Sampling. The tools used to collect data were the variable data performance questionnaire. Which has been verified for content validity by 3 experts and confidence based on the Cronbach alpha coefficient formula 0.86. Data were analyzed the components by means of extracting the main components. Rotating the axis of the Orthogonal elements with Varimax method.

The results of this research showed that: The information technology competency components of Bangkok Thonburi University Students consist of 4 aspects, described with 24 variables with a total of 56.42 variances, namely 1) the use of information technology for communication 2) the use of information technology to support education 3) ethics and information screening 4) Using digital tools. Each element described the variance of 21.83, 13.92, 11.40 and 9.27 percent age, respectively. The research found that the first Element (The use of information technology for communication) had the highest percentage of variance.

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บทความวิจัย (research article)


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