Relationship Between the Roles of School Administration and Participation in Educational Administration of Educational Committee at School in North and South Krungthon Group Under Bangkok Metropolitan

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Weera Wongsan
Achitpol Meemuy
Thitapar Beyjatikul


The objectives of this research were to study 1) the roles of school administrator at in North and South Krungthon group under Bangkok Metropolitan 2) the participation in educational administration of Educational Committee at school in North and South Krungthon group under Bangkok Metropolitan 3) the relationship between the roles of school administrator and the participation in educational administration of Educational Committee at school in North and South Krungthon group under Bangkok Metropolitan. The samples of this research were 48 secondary schools under Bangkok Metropolitan North Krungthon group and South Krungthon group. The total 192 respondents selected from each school director, president of the parent teacher association, the secretary of the parent teacher association and teacher from each school. The instrument was a questionnaire based on the frameworks of school administrator's roles and participation in educational administration of Educational Committee. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient analysis.

The research finding revealed as follows:  1) the roles of school administrator and the participation in educational administration of Educational Committee at school in North and South Krungthon group under Bangkok Metropolitan was at high level in overall view and in each aspect by facility (being facilited) and so do the promoter, evaluator, predictor, and counsellor respectively,  2) the participation in educational administration of Educational Committee at secondary schools under Bangkok Metropolitan North Krungthon group and South Krungthon group was at moderate level in overall view and in each aspect by resources support, networking unit, organizational climate, members' participation, relationship between schools and communities, and evaluation respectively, and 3) the relationship between the roles of school administrator and participation in educational administration Educational Committee at school in North and South Krungthon group under Bangkok Metropolitan were average correlation at the level of .01 significance.

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บทความวิจัย (research article)


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