Causal Effect of Transformational Leadership and Personality to words Team Efficiency: Empirical Evidence From a Company in Automotive Parts Manufacturing Industry

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Krisada Chienwattanasook
Chatparee Yooyen
Wichyada Tanomchat


This research aimed at studying (1) transformative leadership affecting team performance of employees working in an automobile spare-part manufacturing industry and (2) personality affecting team performance of employees working in an automobile spare-part manufacturing industry. The samples used in this research were of 400 employees working in an automobile spare-part manufacturing industry. The sampling method was a stratified sampling technique. Data collection employed questionnaires. Data analysis used frequency, percentage, and standard deviation. Research hypotheses were investigated by structural equation modeling. Research findings indicated that the studied model had accepted good-fit-indices: c2as of 107.314, p-value as of 0.000,  c2 /df as of 1.987, GFI as of 0.966, AGFI as of 0.925, NFI as of 0.974, CFI as of 0.987, and RMSEA as of 0.050. Hypotheses investigation revealed that transformative leadership and personality in terms of extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness affected team performance of employees working in an automobile spare-part manufacturing industry at the 0.05 statistical significance with predictive power as of 47 percent.

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บทความวิจัย (research article)


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