The Cooperative Network Development in Multicultural Society of New Generation Leader to Sustainable Learning Community

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Jumnian Junhasobhaga
Kesaree Pongsung
Chavanakorn Yokinmisjinja
Rujikarn Sanont


The paper aimed at 1)studying review the basic knowledge about concepts, theories, research, and proposal from the cooperative network development in multicultural society of new generation leader to sustainable learning community and 2) proposing model for the cooperative network development in multicultural society of new generation leader to sustainable learning community. The study was based on review and relevant literatures to propose the model of the cooperative network development in multicultural society of new generation leader to sustainable learning community. It was found that 1) the new generation of leaders consisted of 1.1) main characteristics and complementary attributes 1.2) leadership and local innovator 1.3) able to be both formal and informal leaders 1.4) management development Continued and 1.5) Human resources development 2) Sustainable learning communities consist of 2.1) Strengthening the community 2.2) Training of local innovators 3) Promote learning processes for multicultural society 4) Communicate effectively. Continuous and 5) development of participation at all ages

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บทความวิชาการ (academic article)


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