Assessment of Carbon Footprint: Case study marine transportation system for tourists, Koh Yao Noi District PhangNga Province
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This research had main objective for estimated release carbon emission. According to the carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that generates heat energy in the Earth's atmosphere. However, not just only heat accumulation only but also has increase trend better then every gas. The world has been directly affected from carbon emission, it is having been temperature of the Earth's surface and atmosphere will intensify (IPCC,1980). Due to the logistics activities has obvious release carbon dioxide is the transportation system. Thus, in this the research emphasize on the sea transportation system. Then selected the regular ways for traveler only. The inside scope of location is Koh Yao Noi District, Phang Nga Province.In addition, the researcher used process for estimated followed the Guideline of Carbon footprint of Organization from Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (TGO). The Overall, the result was illustrated that is the greenhouse gases emission amount to 4,785.52 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per year and accumulation in the Earth's atmosphere. The efficiency of The Global warming (GWP) had equivalent 4,785.52 tons of carbon dioxide per year. It can be able to maintain stay on the atmosphere around 200-450 years.Including, the effects of cumulative thermal radiation energy on the Earth's surface and atmosphere increases by approximately 1.56 watts per square meter, this amount does not include the indirect effect of carbon dioxide. (IPCC,1995)
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เรือนกระจกภาคสมัครใจตามมาตรฐานของประเทศไทย (T-VER). เข้าถึงได้จาก http: //ghgreduction.t go
โครงการจัดทำแผนแม่บทการพัฒนาเส้นทางสนับสนุนการท่องเที่ยว เกาะยาว จังหวัดพังงาการประชุมรับฟังความคิดเห็น, ณ ห้องประชุมเทศบาลตำบลเกาะยาวน้อย ตำบลเกาะยาวน้อย อำเภอเกาะยาว, ครั้งที่ 1 ;2559 ,จังหวัดพังงา.
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