The trend of Chinese tourists' demand towards the distribution model of Thai tourism industry products

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Natcha Natcha Krimjai


The purpose of this research was to study the trend of Chinese tourists' demand towards the distribution model of Thai tourism industry products. Is a quantitative research from the 250 samples.

The research found that

1. The distribution model of tourism industry products found that respondents gave importance to the overall distribution of tourism industry products at a high level. By giving priority to the service through the highest representative, followed by Providing services through the shop, providing services to customers' homes or locations that customers want. For electronic services Respondents gave the least importance.

2. The demand of Chinese tourists does not affect the distribution model of Thai tourism industry products. With an influence of 8.8 percent. Another 91.2 percent comes from the influence of other variables other than this study.

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บทความวิจัย (research article)


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