Authentic Assessment Model on Cooperative Education

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Siriratchanee Chaysang
Terasut Sookkumnerd


The objective of this research is to develop an authentic assessment Model for Cooperative Education (Co-op) and test it with Co-op students. The sample was divided into three groups: (1) a sample of 80 undergraduate Co-operative students, (2) a sample of 40 Co-op job supervisors of these student. and (3) a sample of 2 Co-op advisors of these student. The questionnaires/assessments and structured interviews were used as the data collection tools. Frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, and
T-Test were used to analyze the data. The research results are

1) The developed Co-op authentic assessment model on cooperative education includes: the five times of authentic self-assessment based on the actual conditions of the students, and the four times of portfolios assessment by the supervisors and advisors.

2) The Co-op authentic assessment model encourages Co-op students' growth in intellectual, interpersonal, and responsible skills in general, with statistical significance at the level .05.

3) According to Co-op students, Co-op job supervisors, and Co-op advisers, the Co-op authentic assessment paradigm promotes high-level learning for Co-op students. This evaluation helps Co-op students understand their ability levels and how to improve their performance. The portfolio encourages Co-op students to remember their daily tasks and to excel at more demanding tasks. The Co-op job supervisor and advisers gain a comprehensive understanding of the opinions of Co-op students and can provide them with assistance throughout the co-op work term.

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บทความวิจัย (research article)


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