Application of social media technology to promote learning styles of Mathayomsuksa 6 students in Bangkok Metropolitan Schools

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Achitpol Meemuy
Sophat Sopapimuk
Tason Puthseranee
Chaiyawit Jamtengtrong


This research the objectives are to 1) develop social media technology. To promote the ability to learning styles for students in Mathayomsuksa 6 schools under Bangkok 2) Compare the test scores before and after using social media technology. To promote the ability to learning styles for students in Mathayomsuksa 6 of Bangkok schools; and 3) to study opinions on the application of social media technology. To promote the ability to learning styles for students in Mathayomsuksa 6, schools affiliated with Bangkok. The samples used in the research He is a Mathayom 6 student at a school under Bangkok. obtained from a simple random method. By drawing lots from 9 schools, 9 classrooms with a total number of 270 students. The research tools were 1) social media technology 2) social media technology pre-test 3) media technology post-use test. Social Media
4) Social Media Technology Quality Assessment Questionnaire 5) Social Media Technology Application Opinion Questionnaire to promote talent for students in Mathayomsuksa 6, schools affiliated with Bangkok, and 6) Graza and Reizman's conceptual learning style measure, the statistics used in the data analysis were the efficacy and quality of social media technology, frequency values, values. Percentage Mean Standard Deviation and the t-test.

The results of the research showed that 1) social media technology to promote the ability to learn style for students in Mathayomsuksa 6, schools affiliated with Bangkok. as efficient as 83.33/85.78, content quality and media production at a very good level the students had the aptitude for learning by watching, of 112 people, representing 41.48%, followed by the aptitude for learning by doing, 94 students, accounting for 34.81 percent. 2) Test scores after using social media technology. online of students in Mathayomsuksa 6 Schools under the Bangkok Metropolitan Administration higher than the test scores before using social media technology with statistical significance at the level of .05 and 3) the opinions of Mathayom Suksa 6 students in schools under Bangkok as a whole, the opinions were at a high level. Can cause content memorization and increase long-term memory. It is essential to learning today. and the application of social media technology, YouTube, in learning are most appropriate, respectively.

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บทความวิจัย (research article)


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