Using Applications to Promote the Education Supervision System on Coaching Model of Bachelor’s Degree Student of Faculty of Education

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Laddawan Kongsomboon
Supa Sukvibul
Rossarin Onamornrut
Chanaphorn Panyakanphon


This research the objectives are were 1) develop applications to promote the educational supervision system in the form of coaching for undergraduate students in the Faculty of Education and Education. To ensure quality and efficiency. 2) to Compare test scores before and after using the application. To promote the educational supervision system in the form of coaching for undergraduate students in the Faculty of Education and Education; and 3) to Study the opinions of using the application. To promote the educational supervision system in the form of coaching for undergraduate students in the Faculty of Education and Education. The sample used in the research is an undergraduate student in the Faculty of Education and Education Higher Education Institutions in Thailand obtained by a simple random sampling method. By drawing lots from 3 universities, 12 classrooms with a total of 365 students. Research tools were 1) an application on educational supervision in the form of Coaching 2) a test before using the application application, 3) a post-application test, 4) an application quality assessment questionnaire, and 5) an application usage questionnaire. To promote the educational supervision system in the form of coaching for undergraduate students. Faculty of Education and Education Statistics used for data analysis include finding performance. and the quality of the application, mean, standard deviation and t-test.

The results of the research were as follows: 1) an application to promote the educational supervision system in the form of Coaching of undergraduate students, Faculty of Education and Science. content quality and technical in a very good level and the efficiency is 80.08/82.58 2) test score after using the application higher than the test score before using the application with statistical significance at the .05 level and 3) The results of the study of opinions on the use of the application to promote the educational supervision system in the form of coaching of undergraduate students in the Faculty of Education and Education. Make students have knowledge and understanding of the subject. The educational supervision system in the form of coaching has increased, allowing students to access content at any time. and every place and can cause content memorization and increase long-term memory.

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บทความวิจัย (research article)


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