Causal Relationship of Factors Influencing the Performance

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Nipada Polharn
Chaiwit Pijitniwech
Jomthanin Thanomnipapun
Theekakarn Oankham


The objectives of this research are: 1. To analyze the consistency with the empirical data of the hypothetical model. of industry performance Services for buildings and landscapes in Thailand 2. To study the factors that directly and indirectly influence the performance of the industry. Services for buildings and landscapes in Thailand. The sample used in this research. The researcher has considered the sample size that is suitable for data analysis. By using statistical techniques, Structural Equation Modeling, which the researcher used to determine the sample group according to the rule of thumb, obtained a sample size of 260 samples.

The results of the study found that the focus on entrepreneurship It has a positive influence on marketing focus. With a direct influence size of 0.89, there is a positive influence on operating results with a direct effect size of 0.05. Market -oriented has a positive influence on competitive advantage. with a direct influence size of 0.48, having a positive influence on operating results the magnitude of direct influence was 0. 34. Competitive advantage had a positive influence on export performance. The direct effect size was 0.52 with statistical significance at the 0.0 1 level.

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บทความวิจัย (research article)


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