The Effect of Movement and Rhythm Activities Based on Carl Orff Approach Affecting Preschool Children’s Creativity at Banbangnamjued School, Samut Sakhon Province

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Jitlada Prommalee
Unchalee Saiyawan
Benjawan Srimarut


The purpose of this research was to compare preschool children’s creativity before and after implementation of movement and rhythm activities based on Carl Orff approach. The population used in this research were 40 preschool children from 2 classrooms, aged between 4 - 5 years old, attended Kindergarten year 2 in the first semester of academic year 2022 at Banbangnamjued school in Samut Sakhon province. The samples of 20 preschool children from Kindergarten year 2 room 2 were selected by using cluster random sampling. This was a quasi - experimental research with one - group pretest - posttest design. The experiment took 8 weeks. The instruments used in this research were movement and rhythm activities based on Carl Orff approach lesson plans and the preschool children’s creativity test with the reliability at .86. The statistics used to analyze the data were mean and standard deviation. The Index of Item Objective Congruence (IOC), difficulty index (P), discrimination Index (B), validity by using Kruder - Richardson (KR - 20) were used to find the quality of the instruments, and statistic testing hypothesis was dependent samples t - test.

The result found that preschool children’s creativity after implementation of movement and rhythm activities based on Carl Orff approach was higher than before the experiment with statistically significance at .05 level.

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บทความวิจัย (research article)


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