The Effect of Motivational and Hygiene Factors on Job Applicatioln in Technology Industry
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This research is a quantitative study, with an analysis of variance and a multiple regression analysis, aimed at examining the motivation and hygiene factors that influence job applications in the technology industry among Generation Z, Generation Y, and Generation X in 2023. In addition to the motivation and hygiene factors, a literature review revealed that Generation Z demonstrates different job selection behaviors and values compared to other generations. Therefore, the research incorporates the Person-organization fit theory in a kind of supplementary fit, which includes values reinforced by organizational and individual preferences, as one of the factors to be studied.
Data was collected through an online questionnaire, with a total of 400 sets of responses. The sample group consisted of: 1) Age groups are divided into three categories: 21-26 years old, representing 69% of the sample (Generation Z), 24-42 years old, representing 28% of the sample (Generation Y), and 43-58 years old, representing 3% of the sample (Generation X). 2) Educational levels divided into three categories: below bachelor's degree or currently pursuing a bachelor's degree, representing 21% of the sample, bachelor's degree, representing 72% of the sample, and beyond bachelor's degree, representing 7% of the sample. 3) Work experience groups divided into four categories: less than 1 year of work experience, representing 33% of the sample, 1-2 years of work experience, representing 30% of the sample, 3-4 years of work experience, representing 22% of the sample, and more than 4 years of work experience, representing 15% of the sample.
The research findings indicate that both Generation Z, Generation Y, and Generation X are influenced by a recognition for achievement factor, a group of motivation factor, as well as a person-organization fit with supplementary fit factor. These factors are influential in job applications, but the level of influence varies based on educational levels and work experience.
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