The Guidelines for Managing Booths in Rental Space outside Convenience Stores in the Khon Kaen Municipality, Khon Kaen Province

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Nirachon Bannasan
Ruchirat Patanathabutr


The objectives of this study were to study the management environment, seek the elements of classroom management, find definitions and meanings for those elements, and Guidelines for Managing Booths in Rental Space outside Convenience Stores in the Khon Kaen Municipality, Khon Kaen Province. Employing a mixed-methods research approach, it encompasses analyzing contextual data within the management environment, conducting document-based research to identify observable variables, analyzing survey-derived components from a sample group of 500 individuals, and it is done by brainstorming with the management.

It was found that: (1) In terms of strength, the organization has management potential resulting in consistently receiving corporate governance awards. In addition, in terms of operating management for leasing external retail spaces, there are clearly defined practices and experienced individuals from various departments driving the successful implementation of the project to lease convenient retail spaces. (2) In terms of weakness, the employee turnover rate is relatively high, resulting in frequent changes in responsibilities and an increased workload for the remaining staff. (3) In terms of opportunity, the competitors find it difficult to enter the market. The government provides exemptions and reduces the corporate income tax rates for SMEs to promote job creation. The decreasing trend in borrowing reflects an increase in income for the majority of the population. (4) Regarding threats, the high service substitution pressure makes it difficult to drive the project of leasing external spaces convenience stores. The study identified 35 observable variables of managing leasing spaces outside convenience stores. The observable elements had been analyzed by surveying the entire population. Which predominantly consists of individuals aged between 20 to not exceeding 30 years old, holding a bachelor's degree, working as employees in private companies, having a monthly average income ranging from 15,000 Baht - up to 30,000 Baht, the number of identified variables was reduced from 35 to 6 components The names and meanings of each component have been defined as follows: (1) Benefit management of booths in rental space, (2) Optimization management of booths in rental space, (3) Obligation credential management of booths in rental space, (4) Talent management of booths in rental space, (5) Hygiene management and seasonal adjustments of booths in rental spac and (6) Specialty and variety management of booths in rental space. In summary, these elements can explain 68.499% of the guideline for the managing booths in rental space outside convenience stores in the Khon Kaen Municipality, Khon Kaen Province.

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บทความวิจัย (research article)


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