Using of Generative Artificial Intelligence for teaching and learning in the higher education level

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Pakvalunh Panitpichetvong
Chutiwan Phattanurakkul
Nujcha Thatreenaranont
Apiradee Limyotin


Enhancing Blended Learning with Artificial Intelligence: A Study of Multimedia and Animation Students' Perceptions and Experiences. This research explores the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into blended learning modules for multimedia and animation students at Bangkok Thonburi University. The study aims to: Investigate the implementation of AI-assisted teaching approaches. Assess student satisfaction with AI integration in learning. And examine the advantages and limitations of AI-supported learning. The research involved 20 students from the Multimedia and Animation program. Data was analyzed using mean and standard deviation. The research instruments included: AI-integrated modules evaluated by AI experts. Student satisfaction questionnaires. And figJam web platform. The findings indicate a positive student perception of AI integration, with Microsoft Bing, Google Bard, and ChatGPT being the most preferred AI tools. Students particularly favored Microsoft Bing and were least enthusiastic about ChatGPT. The advantages of AI included the ability to search for Thai language-supported information, access reliable sources, and generate creative content. However, limitations were also identified, such as the need for precise Thai language commands, usage restrictions, and the potential for inaccurate image generation. Students demonstrated overall satisfaction with AI integration in blended learning modules. Microsoft Bing emerged as the most preferred AI tool among students. AI-supported learning was perceived as beneficial for information retrieval, resource access, and creative content generation. The need for accurate Thai language commands and potential for inaccurate image generation were identified as limitations of AI integration.

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บทความวิจัย (research article)


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