The Causal Factors of human resource management to employees' organizational commitment

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Sitthiporn porahong
Prachak Mahasawat


The objective of this research is 1. To study the factors of organizational human resource management that affect the commitment of people to the organization. Management and employees Collected data from employees in a number of industries. 385 people and use questionnaires as tools Statistics used in data analysis include: Descriptive Statistics (Descriptive Statistics) consists of Frequency value (Frequency) Percentage value (Percentage) Average (Mean) and standard deviation (Standard Deviation)

The research results found that: Factors of organizational human resource management that affect the commitment of executives and employees to the organization. Respondents were satisfied with the recruitment and selection aspect. Training and development Performance evaluation and compensation and benefits are at a high level

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บทความวิจัย (research article)


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