Human resource management and operational efficiency

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Nichapa Koonpraneit
Siriporn Sajjanand
Karnkamol naksrisang


The researcher aims to study the relationship between human resource management and operational efficiency. Compare the performance efficiency classified by personal factors. and study human resource management factors that affect the performance of employees. The results discovered in this study. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics consisting of frequency distribution, percentage, mean and multiple regression analysis.

The variables that were The Human Resource management of the organization that affects the operational efficiency of the organization's personnel found that the R value is 0.730 and the R square is 0.533. Therefore, human resource management in an organization can explain the variability in personnel performance by 53.3 percent. Internal factors that affect efficiency include training and human resource development. Remuneration and other benefits Employee and labor relations Performance evaluation It affects personnel performance statistically significantly at the level of 0.05. The results of comparing the performance of organizational personnel classified by personal factors revealed that gender, age, education level, marital status, and average monthly income differ in performance.

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บทความวิจัย (research article)


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