Relationship of factors supporting organizational innovation

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Chidchanok Poolbua
Somsong Naksrisung
Kitti Rungsubjaroen


The researcher aims to study the factors that support organizational innovation and to study the relationship of openness to new experiences, job freedom, leadership, change, and organizational climate. that affect the innovation behavior of employees. The population and sample in this research. 515 employees and executives were randomly sampled by using a questionnaire as a data collection tool. The statistics used to test the hypothesis are multiple regression analysis of factors that support organizational innovation, The variables that were selected into the equation were These include openness to new experiences, job freedom, transformational leadership. and organizational atmosphere respectively Innovative Behavior. There was a Multiple Regression Analysis The results discovered in this study the overall picture of employee innovation behavior was at a high level, and all four factors had the most positive effect on organizational innovation (Innovative Behavior). Openness to new experiences, followed by freedom of work Innovation atmosphere in the organization and transformational leadership, respectively.

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บทความวิจัย (research article)


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