กะลาดูดี: การสร้างสรรค์งานหัตถกรรมเครื่องประดับจากกะลามะพร้าว

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ภาณุพงศ์ จงชานสิทโธ
ไพโรจน์ วรพจน์พรชัย


The academic paper titled in “Kala Doo Dee: Creative Handicrafts and Jewelry
from Coconut Shells” presents the creativity in designing the jewelry from coconut shells
categorized as costume jewelry of one entrepreneur bearing the brand name of “Kala Doo
Dee”. It contains three main aspects: 1) an application of coconut shells for creative jewelry regarded as the value creation from waste; 2) the jewelry patterns from coconut shells
“Kala Doo Dee”, which are popular and serve as another option for consumers in favor of
jewelry other than silver and gold jewelry; 3) the value of jewelry handicrafts from coconut
shells designed and made by hand so that they are valuable and have beautiful features
based on their materials (coconut shells) along with refined production. This entrepreneur
for such coconut shell jewelry is both a manufacturer and a distributor. Despite having not
much basic knowledge of designs, this entrepreneur can apply his own inspiration from
individual perceptions toward the surroundings together with his own creativity before designing and manufacturing the beautifully decorative items, both internationally and nationally acclaimed. This paper will generate the knowledge and understanding on creative
jewelry from coconut shells and other decorative patterns which can be further applied for
making a wide range of costume jewelry.

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