The Archaeology of Pre-Dvaravati Period: New Evidence from Ancient U-Thong


  • Dr. Saritpong Khunsong รองศาสตราจารย์ ประจำภาควิชาโบราณคดี คณะโบราณคดี มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร


Archaeology, Pre-Dvaravati period, Ancient U-Thong


Ancient U-Thong in Suphan Buri Province is one of the most important sites in the Dvaravati period, circa 7th – 11th century (1,450 – 1,000 years ago). Most scholars previously assumed that U-thong had been inhabited since the prehistoric period and became a trading port in the proto-historic period. The archaeological context of the proto-historic artifacts, however, are unclear, and there is no solid evidence for habitation or other activities dated to the proto-historic period.

The archaeological excavation at Noen Phlab Phla in 2015 shows some important evidence such as domestic activities including an infant burial which was dated by Radiocarbon dating (AMS) to the 2nd - 6th century (approximately 1,950 - 1,450 years ago). So, this new archaeological evidence supports the assumption of previous scholars and also confirms the presence of an ancient community that settled around U-Thong in the proto-historic or “Pre-Dvaravati” period.


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