Nanthopananthasutra Khamluang: Extraordinariness, Meanings and Beliefs of the 'Great Naga' Names


  • Dr. Boonlert Wiwan ผู้ช่วยคณบดีฝ่ายพัฒนานิสิตและนิสิตเก่าสัมพันธ์ และอาจารย์ประจําภาควิชาภาษาไทย คณะมนุษยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเกษตรศาสตร์ วิทยาเขตบางเขน


Nanthopananthasutra Khamluang, Synonym, Meaning, Belief and Concept


This study investigated the varieties of terms referred to ‘Phaya Nanthopananthanakaracha’. Forty-eight references have been found in this study reflecting the intellectual competence of  Prince Dharmathibes Chaiyachet Suriyawong (Chaofah Kung), the author of “Nanthopananthasutra Khamluang.” Furthermore, the results revealed the author had the intellectual capability to produce the names of ‘Phaya Nanthopanantha Nakaracha’ using 3 methods.  The first method was the synonyms of ‘Phaya Nanthopanantha Nakaracha’, 7 keywords were found, “Naga” (the great animal) was commonly used, “Pharanaracha” (the great of a serpent), “Uraka” (the animal that moves with chest), “Asiwisa” (the animal with venomous head), “Salapa” (the serpent), “Thawichiwha” (the animal with forked tongue), “Phuchangka” (the coiled animal).  The second method was the compounding technique of the great Naga names. Five compounding techniques were found: beginning with “Phraya” and ending with the name of great Naga, beginning with the word “Phraya” and ending with the word “Racha.”, beginning with specific names and ending with the word “Naga.”, beginning with specific names and ending with the word “Racha.”, beginning with specific names and ending with the word “Badan.”  The third method was the meaning of ‘Phaya Nanthopanantha Nakaracha’ which reflected beliefs and concepts about the great Naga in the Ayutthaya period. Four types  of  meanings were found: the greatness, the animal with forked tongue, the beast, and the ownership of netherworld (the world of water).


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