
  • Saritpong Khunsong Faculty of Archaeology, Silpakorn University


รัฐโอริสสา, อินเดีย, ความสัมพันธ์กับประเทศไทย, หลักฐานทางโบราณคดี, โบราณคดีอินเดีย


As has been previously demonstrated, Indian culture played a leading role in ancient Southeast Asia, including present day Thailand. This influence can be seen in day to day life and more specifically in religion. A large amount of artifacts and archaeological evidence from various sites in Thailand can be traced back to various parts of the diverse Indian sub-continent including Southern India, Northern India, Northeast and Western India. It is also believed that early states in Southeast Asia are likely to have had contacted with Eastern India or the modern Orissa state, but we have no specific archaeological evidence of this interaction.  The result of this research demonstrates some similarities in the archaeological context which can be interpreted through the relationship between Orissa and Thailand in ancient time. All evidence (such as terracotta seal, coin, bead, and pottery) reflect the contact that emerged from the maritime trade between two regions. Thus, this relationship is part of the ancient trade and commerce that linked many regions including India, Roman, China and Southeast Asia.


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