Technology of kendis: A view from petrographic analysis


  • Kepharit Phatthithanachophakhin Faculty of Archaeology, Silpakorn University


ภาชนะดินเผา, ศิลาวรรณา, กุณฑี


This research shows that kendis are earthenware and are made from the local clay. The technology used in the production of kendis that are represented through petrographic analysis also shows us that the production of kendis in central Thailand have utilized three distinctive methods of production. The first production method involves the use of natural soil, the second production method involves the use of sand and the third production method involves the use of rice husks. The production though of kendis in northeastern Thailand was quite different. Kendis found in north-eastern Thailand were produced by adding rice husks to the clay. Kendis found in Southern of Thailand were produced using natural soil.

Kendis were generally formed using the wheel-throwing method and the free-hand forming method using a clay anvil. As for the surface finishing, kendis were decorated using a variety of techniques including smoothing, black burnishing, polishing, polishing and painting, polishing and slipping. The firing temperatures for the pottery ranges up to 550°c.



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