
  • Kamlaitip Pattapong Faculty of Archaeology, Silpakorn University




This paper discusses the Thai cultural influences underlying one’s choice of speaking English in EFL classrooms in Thailand. A conceptualization of the decision to speak in a second language, which was called “Willingness to Communicate in a Second Language” by MacIntyre et al. (1998), was chosen as the foundation of the analysis. The MacIntyre model was principally developed in the bilingual context in Canada, where language resources are abundant, while the reverse is true for Thailand. Given the differences in contextual factors, this paper focuses on relevant components that come in play in different communication situations in Thai EFL classes from Thai cultural perspectives. Traditional Thai values that form ones’ attitudes in interacting with others were examined. The analysis of principles behind Thai social interactions behaviors reveals the power of “others” over oneself when making the choice to speak in English.


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