The Chaiya buddha image school between the 12th-15th A.D. related to the historical evidence


  • Nantaluk Keereema Faculty of Archaeology, Silpakorn University


ศิลปกรรม, พระพุทธรูปสกุลช่างไชยา, ไชยา


This article presents evidence of sculptures, especially works from the Chaiya Buddha image school during the period 12th –15th A.D. through classification and comparative study on the influence of the art in order to represent the relationship with the historical evidence of Chaiya. From the study, evidence suggests that the Chaiya style Buddha images are related to the Buddha Images in the Indian, Sri Lankan, Dvaravati, Khmer and Ayutthaya Art schools. Furthermore; the art itself was developed into the unique style of Chaiya; representing the “Abhaya Mudra” (gesture of no-fear) with the left hand, decorated with a bodhi leaf-shaped in front of the Ushanisha (a three dimensional decoration on top of the head of Buddha) and a flowing, draped robe. The results of the study of the Chaiyaschool also make the history of the Chaiyaclearer.


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