A Comparative Study of Herbal Medicines for Earth Element in Two Rokkanithan Scriptures: Phrayawichayathibodi (Klom) Version and King Rama V Version


  • Chutiwan Chaichana Master Student of Program in Applied Thai Traditional Medicine, Faculty of Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University.
  • Dr. Pravit Akarasereenon Associate Professor, Applied Thai Traditional Medicine, Faculty of Siriraj Hospital, Mahidol University. Advisor.
  • Thapthep Thippayacharoenta Lecturer, Applied Thai Traditional Medicine, Faculty of Siriraj Hospital,Mahidol University.
  • Dr. Suksalin Booranasubkajorn Lecturer, Applied Thai Traditional Medicine, Faculty of Siriraj Hospital,Mahidol University.
  • Dr. Natchagorn Lumlerdkij Lecturer, Applied Thai Traditional Medicine, Faculty of Siriraj Hospital,Mahidol University.


Phrayawichayathibodi (Klom), Thai herbal medicine, Rokkanithan


The Rokkanithan Scripture is a textbook of Thai traditional medicine, discussing the treatment of diseases caused by abnormalities of earth, water, wind and fire elements, causes of illness, seasonal influenza and Pharmacopoeia. The objective of this research was to decipher and publish the Rokkanithan Scripture Phrayawichayathibodi (Klom) version and, moreover, to analyze and compare the contents concerning the earth element in the Rokkanithan Scripture Phrayawichayathibodi (Klom) version and in the Rokkanithan Scripture King Rama V version and to study the number and types of herbal medicines (only the earth element) used in the Rokkanithan Scripture to treat the symptoms mentioned in the scriptures. The researcher deciphered the scripture Phrayawichayathibodi (Klom) then studied all the herbs and compared it with the Rokkanithan Scripture in the Vejchasad royal edition of King Rama V in terms of the number of herbal medicines, kinds of herbs and pharmaceutical principles. From this study, the researcher found 20 types of earth elements which were explained in terms of normal characteristics, abnormal symptoms and medication. Interestingly, the contents of ANTANG and ANTAKUNANG from both scriptures were different. There were 57 herbal medicine formulae found in both scriptures and 351 similar herbs. Also, in both scriptures, the researcher found that the two-flavour drugs were the most common type. From the study, it can be concluded that the Rokkanithan Scripture Phrayawichayathibodi (Klom) version contains information on the content and the formulas similar to the Rokkanithan Scripture in Vejchasad royal edition of King Rama V. Therefore, people who are interested in studying the Rokkanithan Scripture can use both of these scriptures, e.g. as a reference textbook for teaching and clinical practice.


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