Prasat, Trapeang, and Baray of Khmer Communities in Northeast Thailand during Baphoun Period


  • Dr. Saritpong Khunsong Associate Professor, Department of Archaeology, Silpakorn University.


Prasat, Trapeang, Baray, Baphoun period, Northeast Thailand


This article presents the study of the characteristics of temples and reservoirs of the Khmer communities in the northeast region of Thailand during the Baphuon period (AD 1002 – 1107 or ca. early 11th century to early 12th century). During this period the ancient kingdom of Cambodia showed  prosperity in various sectors, in particular the dramatic development of local communities. This growth was evidenced by the construction of temples in many areas. These construction projects shared similar plans, such as layouts and orientations, architectural styles, and the presence of temples and communities’ small reservoirs (Trapeang) and large reservoirs (Baray). These ancient reservoirs made water available for rice farming, prevented flooding, and held a symbolic meaning to them being the sacred sea. During the Baphuon period, at least 33 temples had been built in the northeast Thailand. Khmer communities of various degrees were all under the supervision of the nobles or local officials. The small communities might have been directly linked to the small cities that were held by high-ranking nobles. All small communities and cities were directly dependent on large cities that had very close links with the Khmer king. So, this hierarchical system of Khmer communities can be seen to be represented by the administrative and economic system of the ancient kingdom of Cambodia.



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