Buddhism in Southeast Asia: A Reappraisal of Ideas on the Sarvastivadin Sect of Buddhism


  • Atiphat Paibool Master's Student of Program in Archaeology, Graduate School, Silpakorn University. email: atiphatpaibool@gmail.com


Buddhism, Sarvastivadin sect, Southeast Asia


Southeast Asia is a region where Buddhism has a strong influence. Initially, many scholars distinguished Buddhism in Southeast Asia into two large groups in accordance with the language they use: the Pali language represents the Theravada sect; the Sanskrit language represents the Mahayana faction. However, in many documents, especially Chinese documents, there are frequent references to Sarvastivadin Buddhism, a Theravada Buddhism which uses the Sanskrit language. Therefore, I argue that Sanskrit evidence in Southeast Asia was related not only to Mahayana Buddhism but perhaps to the Sarvastivadin sect as well. 

The result demonstrates that Sarvastivadin Buddhism appeared in Southeast Asia around the 5th century A.D. in the Java archipelago associated with the expansion of trade during the Indo-Roman and under the influence of the Kushana dynasty. The notable center of this Buddhist sect in Southeast Asia was in the archipelago area before spreading to the continental region. The relationship between the two regions is attested to by the similarity of the art styles reflected by the archaeological evidence, for example, in bas-reliefs and sculptures.



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