Paintings of the Buddha’s life on Wooden Panels of Lecture Halls in Chandhavas Temple and Khokaewsudharam Temple in Phetchaburi


  • Dr. Duangkamon Boonkaewsuk Lecturer, Program in Tourism Management, Faculty of Management Science, Silpakorn University. email:


Paintings of the Buddha’s life, Craftsmanship, Phetchaburi Craftsmen, Lecture Halls


This article aims to study the paintings of the Lord Buddha’s life within the lecture halls of the Chandhavas and Khokaewsudharam temples in Phetchaburi. The paintings represent the works of the traditional temple artisan school toward the end of its era of prosperity, and can be linked with the portrayal of the Buddha’s life and Jataka by Petchaburi artisans in the same period. It is shown that the paintings were created and dedicated according to the tradition of merit activities, both by temples themselves and by villagers hoping to accumulate merits, with merits dedicated to the deceased, nirvana, and rebirth in the era of Maitreya. The painted scenes show the relationship with the manuscript Pathom Somphothikatha written by Paramanuchitchinorot, and place importance upon miraculous events. However, the scene of subduing Mara shows some details differing from the manuscript and is painted only inside lecture halls. The paintings of both places became an important prototype for the lecture halls in other temples in Phetchaburi. Despite the incorporation of western influence, the artisans employed the Thai traditional way of narrating, adjusting details or compositions in order to make the work different from those produced in the past. This practice is still used to this day.


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