Restoration and Conservation of Ancient Thai Mirror (Kriab Mirror) Sculptures Ornamented with Phra Si Sakayamuni’s Throne at Wat Suthat Thepwararam’s Royal Vihara


  • Ratchapon Tajaya Doctoral student of Program in Art History, Graduate School, Silpakorn University. email:


Kriab mirror, Phra Si Sakyamuni's throne, Wat Suthat Thepwararam


The restoration and conservation of Ancient Thai Mirror (Kriab mirror) Sculptures ornamenting Phra Si Sakayamuni’s throne at Wat Suthat Thepwararam’s Royal Vihara is a synthesis of history and art to achieve the right form and craftsmanship, and also of science to analyse the composition of the original Kriab mirror. The work began with the examination of the general condition of the Buddha Throne of Phra Si Sakyamuni before reparation by establishing a conservation guideline based on the original Kriab mirror pattern for restoring and conserving the old Kriab mirror to retain as much of its original condition as possible. The repair material will be manufactured using the Kriab mirror scraper that was recently fabricated using the essential elements found in the antique Kriab mirror sample as a model. The fastening material for the Kriab mirror will be made using the ancient raking process. In comparison to the restoration work, it will be nearly identical to the original antique Kriab mirror at the base of the Buddha throne, based on the precision of the art form and conservation technique, and informed by materials science.


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