Phualkon’s Residence at Lopburi, 1683-1688: A Visual Reconstruction
Phaulkon’s residence, visual reconstruction, Notre-Dame de Laurette, LopburiAbstract
This paper draws from my research entitled A Visual Reconstruction of Phualkon’s Residence, examining its transformation between 1683, when he moved to live in this house, and 1688, when he was executed. The main events of this period were Phaulkon’s rise to high office at the Court of King Narai, the arrival of the French Embassy to Narai’s court, and the 1688 revolution led by Phetracha. The question is how far the physical ruins of Phaulkon’s residence and its development can reflect the last episode of Phualkon’s life. The research draws upon travellers' memoirs, excavation reports, and first-hand analysis by architectural measurement and visual inspection of the ruins. The findings suggest that the development of the house can be divided into three phases. The first phase is pre-1683, when the house belonged to a Persian merchant in the service of King Narai before Phaulkon moved to the house. The second phase spans 1683 to 1685, which concerns the conversion and extension of the house both for Phaulkon's use and for receiving the 1st French Embassy to Siam headed by Chevalier de Chaumont. The third phase between 1685 and 1688 involved the 2nd French Embassy to Siam led by La Loubère in 1687 until the 1688 revolution. The conclusion drawn is that the last five years of the house’s development reflects Phaulkon’s roles as King Narai’s closest counsellor and as the leader of foreign communities in Siam. The findings show that the architecture in Phaulkon’s residence consisted of a variety of artistic and architectural styles of different origins, ranging from Moorish, King Narai’s style, to Gothic, including Japanese painting and the use of precious stones from India. The hybridized characteristics are another important element that reflects the multiculturism of Ayutthaya society during the reign of King Narai.
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