The Presumption of Early Settlement Periods in Pattani: Findings from Archaeological Excavation at Tanyonglulo Site


  • Dr. Wanwisa Dharmananda Assistant Professor, Department of History, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus. email:


Yarang, ancient Pattani, archaeological evidences, excavation, the settlement, port


This paper reports findings of the study on the early occupation of modern day Pattani. The study presumed the early periods of settlement correspond to archaeological data from excavation at Tanyonglulo. Two periods of time came up for discussion in terms of land use in two main areas of Pattani: the Ancient Town of Yarang and Krue Se Village. The Ancient Town of Yarang was geographically located inland, in what is regarded as the upper delta plain of the Pattani River. According to ancient historical texts and archaeological evidence, Yarang was likely a polity of the Kingdom of Langkasuka. Available evidence suggests that the golden age of Yarang was between the 6th and 18th centuries CE.

        The Krue Se Village is located on the lower delta plain of the Pattani River. Krue Se was the center where the Pattanian lived and spent their daily lives. Situated near the sea, Krue Se became a port and an international trading hub in the Ayutthaya period. The community was predominantly ruled by the Sri Wangsa Dynasty. None of previous studies gave a report on the existence of the community prior to the rule of the Sri Wangsa dynasty. The documentary analysis and archaeological discoveries about the sites revealed that Krue Se Village, or the ancient Pattani, was a community and people actively engaged in trading with foreigners before the rule of Sri Wangsa dynasty. A retrospective study of the history of Krue Se Village should acknowledge that its existence is thought to be contemporary with the ancient town of Yarang, whose habitation area and the port itself was presumably at Bra-O at least until the 12th century.



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