The Ancient Iron Smelting Technology at Ban Na Tum Archaeological Site, Ancient Muaeng Long Town, Phrae Province, Thailand
Maung Long, Iron, Iron smelting, direct process smelting and tribute paymentAbstract
This article aims to provide an Archaeometallurgical, Archaeological, and Historical study of Ban Na Tum Archaeological Site, which was Maung Long’s iron smelting site from 18th – 20th century. The objective of the article is to reconstruct the ancient iron smelting process (Chaîne opératoire of iron ingot production) by using archaeometallurgical data, archaeological evidence, and historical record.
The result demonstrates that Ban Na Tum’s smelting furnace structure is 80 cm high and takes a shaft furnace shape with a double piston bellow system. The smelting technique is a “Direct Process” and requires higher temperatures of approximately 1,175 – 1,200 celsius degrees. The iron ore is hematite, which was mined at Doi Lek Mountain. The ratio of iron ore and fuel is 1: 2. The iron ingot is both the annual tribute payment to the ruler of Muang Lampang and the material used to produce iron equipment in Muang Long. Muang Long could produce at least 2.4 tons of iron ingot per year. The iron of Maung Long is of good quality. The Lanna people always say “The best quality iron is from Muang Long! The best quality gold is from Maung Phayao!”. Moreover, in some Northern Thailand literature, such as “The poem of the ruler of Maung Phrae’s palace celebration; Sriwijaya, 1832 A.D.”, describes iron from Maung Long as not only strong but also sacred.
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