Nature in the Composition of Kālidāsa, the Poet of Nature


  • Srisamorn Silawatanawongse Doctoral student (Sanskrit Studies), Faculty of Archaeology, Department of Oriental Languages, Silpakorn University. email:
  • Dr. Samniang Leurmsai Associate Professor, The Department of Oriental Languages, Faculty of Archaeology, Silpakorn University. email:
  • Dr. Nipat Yamdate Lecturer, The Department of Oriental Languages, Faculty of Archaeology, Silpakorn University. email:


Kālidāsa, The Poet of Nature, Abhijñānaśākuntalam, Ṛtusaṃhāra, Meghadūta


This research article has two objectives: 1) to study nature in Kālidāsa’s poetry using the Alāṃkāraśāstra theory; and 2) to study the techniques of composition that use nature to convey meaning in Kālidāsa’s poetry. The scope of study is from the dramatic work Abhijñānaśākuntalam, and, in the Khaṇḍakāvya genre, Ṛtusaṃhāra and Meghadūta.  According to the findings, Arthālaṃkāra is used by Kālidāsa in three different types of compositions, i.e., Svabhāvokti, Upamā and Rūpaka.  In terms of using nature, particularly flowers, in his composition to convey meaning involving both concrete and abstract ideas, three concrete meanings were found: 1) allusions to flowers used in personal adornment; 2) flowers used in rituals such as offerings, sacrifices, and so on; and 3) flowers used as gifts. Finally, flowers are used to express abstract meanings and contain spiritual value.

It seems these are all names of texts. If so, this is a better way of expressing this idea.



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