Trade Relations between Patani and Japan during the Sixteenth-Eighteenth Centuries: Studying Through Ceramics


  • Dr. Wanwisa Dharmananda Assistant Professor, Department of History, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus. email:


Japanese Porcelain, Trade between Patani and Japan


Since international commerce in Southeast Asia started in the late fifteenth century, the expansion of trade had led to the development of many ports in the Malay Peninsula and the archipelago. Patani was a port that occurred during this period. Its significance as an entrepot was based on the fact that it had all the products the market required. International traders came to this hub to conduct their business here, and one of the main trading partners for Patani was Japan. Many records make it clear that these two countries had a commercial relationship. However, we see further evidence in archaeological artifacts, especially the various types of ceramics indicating this relationship. The objective of this paper is to analyze this archaeological evidence along with historic documents to establish the timeline of trade relations between Patani and Japan during the 16-18th centuries. The results of the study have shown that Chinese merchants brought Japanese wares to Patani from the middle of the 17th century to the early 18th century and Chinese residents of Patani were the primary buyers of Japanese wares.



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