Modern Architecture in the Ubosots of the Forest-Dwelling Monastics in Phra Ajaan Mun Bhuridatta’s Line in the Northeastern Thailand
modern architecture, ubosot, forest-dwelling monastic, northeastern regionAbstract
This article discusses the style of forest temples’ ubosots located in Thailand’s northeastern region. These temples were influenced by modern architecture during the period of 1967-1987. Only the ubosots in the temples that are related to Phra Ajarn Man Phurittto Forest Monastery in the northeastern region are selected for study. From the survey of ubosots influenced by modern architecture, there are 8 places in total, divided into 3 styles as follows: (1) Applied Thai architecture style ubosots, (2) Modern Thai architecture style ubosots, and (3) Contemporary Thai architecture style ubosots. We can characterize these styles as follows:
- Applied Thai architecture style ubosots: In general, many ubosots are the continuation of the style of the applied Thai building. The modern architectural feature that appears in this style of ubosot is the rectangular layout. The exterior of the building is decorated with smooth walls, which is a modern architectural style. In addition, building design techniques are found to be consistent with the environment and climate with more emphasis on usability and savings.
- Modern Thai architecture style ubosots: This group is the group of ubosots that shows the most influence from modern architecture in terms of style, starting from adopting an international style. As for modern architectural techniques, emphasis is placed on the design environment in harmony with regional architectural styles, including using the concept to design the ubosots in line with an architect’s interpretation.
- Contemporary Thai architecture style ubosots: This style is a combination of traditional Thai ubosot style and the Sim Isan pattern, producing a new design by using construction technology found in modern architecture and including traditional Thai patterns or decorative features, making the building look more Thai.
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