Styles of Vietnamese Influenced Ordination Hallsin Northeast Siam and the Development of the Artwork


  • Dr. Chawalit Atipattayakul รองศาสตราจารย์ประจําหมวดวิชาศึกษาทั่วไป มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏอุดรธานี


Vietnamese ordination hall, Northeast, Development of the artwork


Recent research has found that the appearance of the Vietnamese influence in the artwork of Northeastern Thailand occurred during a period which was witness to poor economic conditions. As such, a religious construction in a large community was supported by fundraising in order to hire the construction workers, who were often Vietnamese. Due to the political conditions at the time, the central administration of the government of Siam had no influence over the construction of ordination halls in the Northeast of Siam until Field Marshal Plaek Phibunsongkhram came into power. As such, important cities and main districts had to follow the political policy of the central government which was reflected in all sacred, religious and cultural places that they built.

Due to the fact that the Vietnamese were employed as a skillful labour force, they inserted their own faith, beliefs, and moral precepts into the buildings they worked on. One of the most outstanding techniques employed by the Vietnamese workers was a pattern found on the top of the wall of the structure where it meets the roof in many Vietnamese influenced ordination halls. However, other decorations exist according to the trends of each period. From 1900–1967, the patterns from Vietnamese influenced ordination halls were obvious and of an outstanding quality in the Northeast of Siam and it is said that this architectural style is now an integral part of Buddhist architecture in the Northeast of Siam.


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