Initial Consonant Phonemes in Eight Burmese Dialects
Burmese dialect, Initial consonant phoneme, Burmese phonology, Sound correspondenceAbstract
This review article aimed to synthesize the studies of initial consonant phonemes in 8 Burmese dialects, namely, Yangon, Rakhine (Arakan), Dawei (Tavoyan), Myeik (Beik, Mergui), Danu, Intha, Taungyo, and Yaw. The synthesis comprised 19 articles and research studies, divided into 16 English publications and 3 Japanese publications. The results of the synthesis showed that the number of initial consonant phonemes in all 8 Burmese dialects ranged between 24-34 phonemes: 32 phonemes in Yangon, 34 phonemes in Rakhine, 32 phonemes in Dawei, 27 phonemes in Myeik, 25 phonemes in Danu, 26 phonemes in Intha, 24 phonemes in Taungyo, and 32 phonemes in Yaw. The difference in the number of initial consonant phonemes in 8 Burmese dialects is due to the diverse development of sound correspondences in each dialect. Nine sets of sound correspondences were found: 1) /g-k/, 2) /d-t/, 3) /b-pʰ/, 4) /θ-sʰ/, 5) /z-s-sʰ/, 6) /m̥, n̥, ŋ̊, ɲ̊, l̥ - m, n, ŋ, ɲ, l/,
7) /kr, kʰr - tɕ, tɕʰ/, 8) /r-j/, and 9) /r̥-ʃ-tɕʰ/. These results revealed the status of the initial consonant phonemes studies in 8 Burmese dialects from the past until the present, which has never been collected nor presented before. It can also be beneficial as a reference source for the phonetic system of the Burmese dialects.
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