Buddha Image Made of Flowers in Phrao District Chiang Mai Province: Patterns and Inscriptions


  • Dr. Sirisak Apisakmontree Lecturer, Department of Buddhist Arts Graduate School Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University Chiang Mai Campus
  • Somsak Promjak Lecturer, Arts Education Program Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Chiang Mai Rajabhat University
  • Phra Samuh Anon ndavaṁso Doctoral student, Department of Buddhist Arts, Graduate School Mahachula - Chiang Mai Campus


Buddha statue made of flowers, patterns, inscriptions


This research article aims to analyze the patterns and inscriptions at the base of the Buddha image in Phrao District, Chiang Mai Province. The results of the study showed that Flower Buddha images can be divided into standing and sitting Buddha images. The standing Buddha image depicts a round object in his hand. This may refer to the Buddha taking the anchor fruit in Theravada or Bhaisajyaguru in Mahayana. The sitting Buddha images dressed in royal clothes are found in two styles: wearing a high and low crown and wearing long and short sleeve clothes. For sitting Buddha images not dressed in royal attire, a unique feature is seen in pulling the robe to cover the right shoulder in a semicircle shape and overlapping the robes on the left shoulder. In addition, the disciple sculptures, Phra Upakut and Phra Bua Khem, were found with inscriptions at the base, which could be inscribed with three types of characters: Lanna script, Tai script and Burmese script. The oldest inscription is 1895; the most common is 1927; and the newest is 1935, and all of the inscriptions were in the reign of Kruba Bhun Chao Boon Chum Sirivichayo, the abbot of Wat Pa Tum Don, which was the period before and after the construction of the temple. All Buddha images had been imported from Burma by merchants in the 25th century of the Buddhist Era. The inscription contains contents about the age of Buddhism and wishes of having nirvana as the ultimate goal.


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