Tentative Interpretation of Islamic Peace Concept from the Biography of the Prophet Muhammad: A Study of Social Engagement from the Beginning of the Propagation of Islam in Makkah until the Immigration to Madinah


  • Lutfee Hayibueraheng Master’s student of Program in Conflict and Peace studies. Institute for Peace Studies, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai Campus. email: lutfee.hayibueraheng@gmail.com
  • Dr. Samart Thongfhua Associate Professor. Faculty of Political Science, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus. email: thongfhua@gmail.com


Peace, Prophet Muhammad, social engagement, peaceful means, violence


This research aimed to study the concept of Islamic peace from the events of the Prophet Muhammad's social engagement from the beginning of the Islamic propagation period in Makkah until the migration to Madinah. It is orientated towards studying the ends and the methods of such social engagement to expand the knowledge boundaries of the field of peace studies. This study was a qualitative study in which data from the documents and Interview was utilized, then analyzed using the inductive method, and eventually synthesized into the Islamic concept of peace. The results of the research showed that the Islamic concept of peace can be explained through ‘peace from its ends’ and ‘peace from the means’. The concept of peace from its ends lay in the following aspects: 1) Peace in the Islamic view stratified into Absolute peace and relative peace, 2) The possibility of absolute peace and relative peace determined by the behaviors of human beings, and 3) The Islamic proposition of relative peace resting on six principles; i.e., Submission to God, Compliance with the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad, Belief in the absolute just, Abidance by morality for self-conduct, Solidarity among Muslims, and Upholding the rights of the world's population as relatives. As for the concept of peace through the means, it entails the facets as follows: 1) Peace engagement must always be based on the right ends; 2) Peace engagement must be carried out in accordance with the methods supported by Islam; 3) Islamic methods cover both non-violent and violent means; 4) Either of which will be selected upon the good- outcome principle; and 5) In case that the favorable outcome cannot be reached, the non-violent action is always applied first.


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