“Textiles,” as the Mediums of Belief and Ritual: A Case Study of Na Meun Sri Textiles, Na Yong District, Trang Province


  • Chanakamol Kongyok นักวิชาการระดับบัณฑิตศึกษา สํานักวิชาศิลปศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยวลัยลักษณ์


Textiles, Fabrics weaving, Local Ritual


Clothes and textiles are materials which reflect human originality and creativity, especially domestic fabrics representing unique patterns, colors, and the production methods of each region. This is despite the same materials being used in the production of the fabric, which are either silk threads or cotton. Fabric weaving can, then, be regarded as one of the interesting aspects of the craftsmanship. 

The discovery of pieces of textiles in various regions of Thailand can indicate the changes and movements of various cultures and groups of people as well as reflecting the social, cultural, political, and economic relationships between those people.

The initial research found that there are many interesting pieces of Southern textiles, which are Ratchawat fabric from Songkhla Province, Nakhon brocade from Nakhon Sri Thammarat, Pumriang fabric from Suratthani, and Juantani fabric from Pattani.  While the previous research has covered the definition of the textile patterns, the decoration of the fabric on the body, and the representation of social status through clothes, there still needs to be more exploration of the issue of the roles of textiles in the context of local rituals. 

The author’s interest in textiles and weaving has inspired the research of Na Meun Sri fabric from Nayong District, Trang Province. This type of textile has a connection to the rituals and the local people. The research focuses on the role of textiles as the “medium” connecting the world to the afterlife, the world to the holy, the world of the spirits to the world of earthly people, society, traditions, and culture through local ritual performance.


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