The Architectural Style of the Tonson Mosque Mihrab and its influence on the Islamic faith


  • Wasamon Sanasen นักศึกษาระดับปริญญาโท ภาควิชาทฤษฎีศิลป์ คณะจิตรกรรมประติมากรรมและภาพพิมพ์ มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร


mihrab, mosque, Islamic art, Muslim


A Mihrab is an architectural feature in a mosque used to indicate the direction of Mecca which Muslims face daily for prayer. Due to its significance, the Mihrab needs to be designed with great care.  The modern day Mihrab in the Tonson Mosque was erected when it was restored in 2009. Being the oldest mosque in Bangkok and the religious center for Muslims in the Thonburi area, this restoration aimed to ensure that the Tonson Mosque looked similar to the great Mosques in the Middle East. As such, the Mihrab in the Tonson Mosque has been inspired by Islamic art from Iran and Egypt, both of which are revered for the beauty of their Islamic art, both past and present. The beauty of this Mihrab, however, not only impresses the Tonson Mosque’s members but it also strengthens their faith while they pray. The Mihrab is decorated with text from the Koran giving it an auspicious meaning. It amplifies the Imam’s voice and encourages Muslims by reminding them of God through the use of richly decorated Mihrab images. The Mihrab is adorned with images which symbolize God, along with carved prayers in the middle of the Mihrab, which creates a symbolic image of paradise on the Mihrab.



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