Suaydok: The Cultural Reproduction of Lanna Banana Leaf Craft


  • Jarunan Choadee รองศาสตราจารย์ ประจําภาควิชามนุษยสัมพันธ์ คณะมนุษยศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่


Lanna Suay Dok, Lanna zodiac signs, Banana leaf craft, Local wisdom, Cultural reproduction


research article aims to present the phenomenon of suaydok
and the transmission guidelines. The results showed that suaydok is
a cone-shaped container made from banana leaves which are filled
with flowers, incense, candles and other offerings; used among Lanna
people during rituals and customs based on Buddhist beliefs. There are
two different styles of suaydoks: one with a spathe, another without
a spathe. The trimmed suaydoks have variations depending on the
symbols of respect intended by their makers. Thus, the trimming of
suaydoks arose out of the need to use suaydoks in ceremonies as well
as expressing their beauty while simultaneously conveying pertinent
meanings. In order to conserve the traditions, Lanna locals have to
come up with some new innovations related to their banana leaf crafts,
that are expected to meet the needs of modern life. Consequently, the
suaydok has been redesigned and reproduced to suit a new context
as a cultural reproduction; it comes in various styles, be it suaydok for
Lanna’s 12 zodiac signs, suaydoks of different colours for the 7 calendar
days, or funeral suaydoks. The publicizing of knowledge of these artifacts
is a form of cultural transmission and preservation. In addition, the
development of Lanna’s banana leaf craft and contemporary home
economics conform to the new context of society.


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