The Popularity of Isan Films and the Construction of New Isan-ness Since 2007


  • Sainil Somboon Faculty of Communication Arts, Dhurakij Pundit University
  • Manoch Chummuangpak Faculty of Communication Arts, Dhurakij Pundit University


Isan Film, Thai Film Industry, Film Production


The objective of this qualitative research were 1) to study factors and social contexts informing the popularity of Isan films in the Thai film industry since 2007 and 2) to study the operation and production of Isan films since 2007. Data were collected by documentary analysis and in-depth interview.

The study found that Isan films have been shaped for a long time throughout the development of the Thai film industry. They have interacted with technological, economic, political, and cultural factors that informed the existence of Isan films from their production, distribution to exhibition and reception. These have led to the popularity of Isan film since 2007. For the operation and production of the Isan films, data show that studio filmmaking and independent filmmaking producers have complemented each other. Films studios have played an important role in the continuous production of Isan films in the industry. The independent system was also important in creating new Isan directors for the industry. Although some independent filmmakers did not prioritize profit, there were profit-inclined independent filmmakers who produced the films in a format that was no different from the studio system.


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