Media – Witch - teracy on Discourse

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ธีร์ธวัช เจนวัชรรักษ์


The witch hunting phenomenon was stated in the written evidence of European Medieval period. There were several linkages for the witch with the sexual imperfection, evil, Satan and some unexplainable situations; false harvesting, storm, poor weather, death of animal in the farm and the divorcing. From the witch hunting manuscript about the witch identification, the discourse was emphasized on female and some imperfections (divorced, widow, moles or dark spots on skin were considered the marks of evil), reflecting the definition of female human to be perfect and spotless. Otherwise, she would be naked-tied up with the wooden pole reviled in town square and flamed. When scientific knowledge bloomed into the world, the reasoned and experimented answers chased away the witch-blaming. Witch hunting phenomenon disappeared. In 21st century, the “Witch-Hunting” is back again to the world in online space. Personal data of the witch, people who do something improper, hazardous or crime-like to the dominant culture and society, are dug, provided and reviled on the internet while other people can track, curse or do the outlaw-punishments as the same way the witches were executed in medieval period. Although there are many “Media literacy” campaigns aiming to reduce the witch hunting phenomenon and determining the unimpressive consequences, they still take place every time when there is the “witch” in the society. This situation may reflect some problems about the law and regulation control in society; delayed-actions, refrainment, side-takings and injustices. So, the witch hunting phenomenon may have to compensate and redeem this part in the world, at least on the internet.


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How to Cite
เจนวัชรรักษ์ ธ. (2019). Media – Witch - teracy on Discourse. Electronic Journal of Open and Distance Innovative Learning (e-JODIL), 8(1), 56–78. retrieved from
Academic article


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