Learning Management by Integrating Simpson’s Instructional Model Combined with the Concept of Contract System with Folk Dance Music Activities for the Development in Achievement, Practical Skill, and Discipline of Secondary 2 (Grade 8) Students

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Supawat Reanprayoon
Kamron Suntharanont
Rojana Suntharanont


The study aimed to 1) compare learning achievements about folk dance songs of Secondary 2 (grade 8) students, who studied through learning management by integrating the Simpson’s instructional model combined with the concept of a contract system with folk dance music activities, between the experimental group and the control group, 2) compare practical skills in folk performances and folk dance songs of Secondary 2 (grade 8) students, who studied with learning management by integrating the Simpson’s instructional model combined with the concept of a contract system with folk dance music activities, between the experimental group and the control group, and 3) compare desirable characteristics of discipline of Secondary 2 (grade 8) students, who studied with learning management by integrating the Simpson’s instructional model combined with the concept of a contract system with folk dance music activities, between the experimental group and the control group.

The sample of this research derived from a purposive random sampling method was comprised of Secondary 2 (grade 8) students from Ban Kradan Na Gall Community School and Wat Huay Ruam Community School, Nong Bua 2 District Educational Quality Center, Nakhon Sawan Primary Educational Service Area Office 3, Nakhon Sawan Province. The research instruments consisted of 5 learning management plans by integrating the Simpson’s instructional model combined with the concept of a contract system, a behavior report form for discipline evaluation, an achievement test of the performing arts course, a practical skill assessment form, and a memorandum of agreement between students and contractors. The statistics used to analyze the data were mean, standard deviation, and t-test.

The study results revealed that 1) the learning achievements about folk dance songs of Secondary 2 (grade 8) students who studied with learning management by integrating the Simpson’s instructional model combined with the concept of a contract system with folk dance music activities of the experimental group were higher than those of the control group with statistical significance at the 0.05 level, 2) the practical skills in folk performance and folk dance songs of Secondary 2 (grade 8) students who studied with the learning management by integrating the Simpson’s instructional model combined with the concept of a contract system with folk dance music activities of the experimental group were higher than those of the control group with statistical significance at the 0.05 level, and 3) the desirable characteristics of the discipline of Secondary  2 (grade 8) students who studied with the learning management by integrating the Simpson’s instructional model combined with the concept of a contract system with folk dance music activities of the experimental group were higher than those of the control group, with statistical significance at the 0.05 level. Regarding the analysis of data on the contract system activities, the students could follow the promises made to the contractors. Homework was completed and submitted on time, the students behaved properly in the class, they were more responsible for work assigned, and there was a process of planning and taking notes of homework. Additionally, the students came to school on time, so they could do all the morning activities with their friends. For class attendance, the students were punctual, so they could gain more knowledge. As the teaching time of the teachers increased, the students fully participated in the learning process. The students got dressed properly and neatly according to the school regulations, so their behavior points were not subtracted. These circumstances brought the students good values ​​and morality.

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How to Cite
Reanprayoon, S., Suntharanont, K., & Suntharanont, R. (2022). Learning Management by Integrating Simpson’s Instructional Model Combined with the Concept of Contract System with Folk Dance Music Activities for the Development in Achievement, Practical Skill, and Discipline of Secondary 2 (Grade 8) Students. Electronic Journal of Open and Distance Innovative Learning (e-JODIL), 12(2), 74–88. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/e-jodil/article/view/244225
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