Destination Branding Strategy for Less Visited Area in Major Tourism City and Practical Guidelines of Brand Communication in Digital Era for Tourism Promotion: A Case Study of the Phu Pha Man District, Khon Khan Province

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Surangkana na Nakorn


This study had objectives of 1) devising a branding strategy for Phu Pha Man district which is a less-visited destination in a major city of Khon Kaen province and 2) proposing practical guidelines on brand communication in a digital era to promote tourism. The study was conducted based on the practical action research approach and a qualitative research with a steeringworking group on Phu Pha Man and community tourism development committee taking part in the reflection process and use of The Deming Cycle model: PDCA for work direction. Summary of study findings is as follows:
1. Phu Pha Man Brand Model comprises 1) brand description as “a destination for nature travel”; 2) brand passion as “a source of inspiration for the community to love their birthplace, recognize and cherish a mighty nature of Phu Pha Man; 3) brand positioning as “a must-intend-to-visit attraction”; 4) brand attributes as “a great natural wonder created by Heaven, a great wonderful story of community by a great wonderful storyteller of the community, and a warmest welcome extended to intent visitors”; 5)brand promise as “the best of intentions to keep, extend the value of and respect for the nature to ensure sustainable living in harmony with nature”; and 6) brand identity as “the brand named after the name of district and mountain with a logo in a minimal and simple but powerful design, using a naturally inspired shade of orange brown on an earth tone-colored background. The logo, within a white frame, features the images of Phu Pha Man Mountain Range and a flight of bats to represent the richness and ways of nature, while the letters in bold type reflects the strength of the community, where that they make the place very unique in Khon Kaen province.
2. Practical guidelines on brand communication are divided into 2 categories as below 2.1 practical guidelines on internal communication including 1) raising awareness of Phu Pha Man brand among people in the community by the community leaders; 2) communication to promote locals as a brand representative; and 3) communication through the brand business process by creating a “joint area” under the management for mutual benefit in terms of business and happiness. 2.2 Practical guidelines on external communication including 1) finding a real target group; and 2) apply storytelling via new media.


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na Nakorn, S. (2022). Destination Branding Strategy for Less Visited Area in Major Tourism City and Practical Guidelines of Brand Communication in Digital Era for Tourism Promotion: A Case Study of the Phu Pha Man District, Khon Khan Province. Electronic Journal of Open and Distance Innovative Learning (e-JODIL), 12(1), 100–119. retrieved from
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