Structural Equation Modeling of Financial Experience, Financial Knowledge, Financial Attitude and Financial Planning Influencing on Financial Behaviors of Bank Employees
Financial Knowledge, Financial Attitude, Financial Planning, Financial BehaviorAbstract
The research aimed to investigate the consistency of the structural equation model influencing on financial behaviors and the empirical data, and study the causal model of financial experience, financial knowledge, financial attitude and financial planning that influence on financial behaviors. The sample included 500 of bank employees, using the probability sampling and the stratified sampling methods. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and structural equation analysis. The result showed that the structural equation model of financial behaviors is harmonized with the empirical data, and found that financial experience direct influence to financial knowledge (DE=0.966) Financial attitude also had direct influence to financial behavior (DE=0.911) However, financial knowledge and financial experience had indirect influence to financial behavior (IE=0.150 and 0.068), respectively. The corresponding factors can be applied to the management and financial planning of bank employees.
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