Conflict Management in the Case of Chana Industrial Estate: Voices from the Locals
Conflict Management, Industrial Estate, ChanaAbstract
Chana Industrial Estate is another development project initiated by government agencies but has not been accepted by local people. One way to keep the project going is conflict management. This research is a quantitative research aims to 1) study conflict management in the case of Chana Industrial Estate, and 2) study the causes of conflicts affecting conflict management in the case of Chana Industrial Estate. The sample comprised some 400 people living in Chana District, Songkhla Province. The research instrument was a questionnaire, which was then analyzed according to multiple regression analysis. The findings revealed that 1) the overall conflict management in the case of Chana Industrial Estate was at a high level. 2) The four causes of conflicts most affecting the conflict management in the case of Chana Industrial Estate, sorted from high to low, value conflicts, relationship conflicts, structural conflicts, and data conflicts. All four causes of conflicts had an effect in the same direction as the conflict management in the case of Chana Industrial Estate. Altogether, the causes of conflicts considered explain 43.1% of the variance in the conflict management in the case of Chana Industrial Estate.
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