Micro-learning Design of the Digital Age


  • ศยามน อินสะอาด


Micro-learning, Micro-learning Design, Digital Age


Micro-learning, a digital media that deliver the learning content to learners through the learning activity in term of “Micro” or gradually learning in learning environment. Micro-learning can be used with daily activities of learners using “push” technology and mobile equipment of learners. The instructional design is under the concept “Less is More”; adequate content but more learning which help learners to self –directed learning. The learning objectives of micro-learning is specific to promote long term learning of modern instructional management under the efficient tiny learning environment. This article is to construct the knowledge and understanding of micro-learning on fundamental, theory, design, and trend of micro-learning, including the research findings that reflex the new concept to apply the real situation of learning management in digital age.


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How to Cite

อินสะอาด ศ. (2021). Micro-learning Design of the Digital Age. ECT Education and Communication Technology Journal, 16(20), 16–31. Retrieved from https://so01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/ectstou/article/view/246033